Oral Presentation Guidelines
Each session room will be set with an LCD projector, a microphone, and a laser pointer. A presentation laptop will be provided in the session room – no personal laptops will be permitted.
All authors are required to make use of electronic presentations. Presentation files must be in Windows-compatible PowerPoint or PDF format. Note that the laptops used for the presentations are running Windows 10 with PowerPoint 2016 and the latest version of Acrobat Reader. Macintosh users should ensure that their presentations will project correctly using the Windows operating system. This can be tested in the computer room. This year, the meeting will use projectors and screens with a 16:9 aspect ratio. Please remember to create or adapt your presentations to use 16:9 aspect ratio.
Each talk (with the exception of plenary and some invited talks) is allocated 18 minutes total: 15 minutes of presentation time followed by 3 minutes of questions & answers. Please prepare your presentation accordingly to strictly adhere to these time limits.
The presentations must be in English and must be uploaded onto the central file server prior to the start of your session. The exact requirements for your upload will be announced in a separate email to the author. The upload tool only allows you to upload PDF (*.pdf) and Microsoft PowerPoint files (*.ppt, *.pptx). The maximum file size is 50 MB and the upload may be done closer to the conference start.
More information will be sent to the author as we come closer to the meeting.
Poster Presentation Guidelines
All poster sessions will be in the Parkside Ballroom 1&2 area of the Level 2 in the ICC near the exhibits. The maximum poster size (NOTE: vertical orientation) 40 inches wide x 94 inches tall (1.0 m wide x 2.4 m tall)). As an example, the typical A0 size poster is 0.841 m x 1.189 m. Adhesive tape/pins to attach your poster to the panel will be available in the poster room. Your panel will be labeled with the poster number. The poster shall be provided by the Author(s). Please review your poster dimensions before you arrive to ensure that it will fit in the defined space.
Presenting authors are expected to be present at their poster during their entire session (90 min) to explain their paper to the collected audience and answer questions as appropriate. Papers whose authors are not present at their poster during their assigned session are not eligible for publication in the Conference Record. Poster Session Chairs will verify your attendance during the assigned session.
Posters have the same value as an oral presentation and may also be uploaded as a PDF to the online system. During the conference attendees can take a look at your poster in the password protected upload area, not visible to the public without a password. This gives the opportunity for an attendee to plan and even take a look at the poster after the conference and contact you if needed with comments and questions. We would like to encourage you to agree and upload your poster.
Some helpful information may be found HERE
Posters which are not collected by the author at the end of the respective period will be discarded.