Welcome to the 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS) and Medical Imaging Conference (MIC)

Dear Colleagues,
The 2019 Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS) and Medical Imaging Conference (MIC), and the International Symposium on Room Temperature Semiconductor Detectors (RTSD), will be held at the Manchester  Convention Centre, in Manchester, UK, from the 26th of October to the 2nd of November, 2019.

On behalf of the entire organising committee, we warmly welcome you to the 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference. 2019 will see the meeting held in the UK for the first time, in the dynamic, cosmopolitan and supremely cool city of Manchester!

The IEEE NSS-MIC is the leading annual international meeting for all scientists, engineers, researchers, medical physicists and students with an interest in radiation detectors, related technologies and their applications. Exciting developments and new directions are emerging in many areas of our field so please look at the NSS, MIC and RTSD sections for the updated lists of the topics that will be covered by the meeting this year. Whilst delegates typically have a primary interest in either the NSS or the MIC, due to the synergy between the two meetings many attend sessions from both. This year’s meeting will also host the 26th International Symposium on Room-Temperature X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detectors.

The main focus of the meeting is of course the programme of oral presentation sessions covering the most innovative and topical submitted work, however the NSS-MIC traditionally also places great emphasis on the complementary programme of poster sessions, providing an excellent opportunity to discuss your work informally and in depth with other researchers in the field. Seating areas for informal discussions are situated throughout the venue.

The programme includes some outstanding plenary speaker sessions, a range of educational courses and specialist workshops on hot topics. A large industrial exhibition provides an opportunity to visit the major suppliers of radiation instrumentation and related products all under one roof, and interaction with colleagues in industry is encouraged in associated technical sessions.  

The conference will be held in the centrally located Manchester Central Convention Centre, which has been developed from the abandoned historic Manchester Central Railway Station. The main station concourse, with its spectacular single-span arched roof, will accommodate the industrial exhibition together with poster sessions and coffee areas.

Manchester, the UK’s de facto second city, was at the heart of the industrial revolution and you will come across reminders of its rich heritage on any short walk around the centre. More recently, Manchester has become a hub for contemporary art and culture with a profusion of galleries and venues. It has a legendary music scene, and two football teams competing at the highest level in Europe. There are all kinds of restaurants, cafes, pubs and wide variety of accommodation across all price ranges, all within an easy distance of the meeting. The city is well connected internationally by air, 2 hrs by train from London, and makes an ideal stepping off point for onward visits to many of the UK’s most interesting and scenic regions. A programme of tours taking in places of interest in the region has been arranged.

Announcements on the detailed programme will be made over the coming months so please make sure to check the website regularly for updates.

We encourage you to submit your work to what promises to be the best NSS-MIC yet and we look forward to seeing you in Manchester!

Paul Marsden
General Chair

Patrick Le Dû
Deputy General Chair
