


Exhibition Guide



Dear Industrial Partner:

The 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and 26th Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detectors will take place at the Manchester Central Convention Complex in Manchester, United Kingdom, from 26 October to 2 November 2019.  This joint conference has historically been one of the largest and most important technical meetings in the field of radiation detection instrumentation and signal processing for high energy physics, medical imaging, photon science, space applications, homeland security, and much more. It always attracts the active participation of an international group of world-class scientists and engineers who present their most recent research results and attend advanced workshops and courses. It will provide an exceptional opportunity for you to showcase your newest products and services, and we hope you can join us there!

For the past several years attendance at the NSS, MIC and RTSD has averaged about 1900, and we anticipate at least this many in Manchester in 2019. Around 75 exhibitor booths have typically been available, which usually sell out well before the conference. In 2019 we will be able to offer 84 3×3 m2 booths that will be co-located with the meeting’s poster sessions and coffee break areas in the 5,000 m2 Central Hall 1, enhancing traffic flow through the exhibit area and interactions with attendees. A limited number of booths have been blocked as double until 1 June when they will be released as single booths. Details on the layout and registration process can be found in the Exhibitor Prospectus available on this website. All reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis, so don’t delay submitting your request!

To allow the NSS, MIC, and RTSD communities ample time to visit with you, the exhibits will be open from Tuesday lunch through Thursday afternoon, with time on Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning to set up your booth, and on Thursday evening and Friday morning to dismantle it.  To further enhance your networking opportunities with the attendees, a 90 min “Happy Hour” reception will be held in the exhibits area on Tuesday evening immediately following the end of the technical sessions. Drinks and hors d’oeuvres will be served. The detailed exhibitor’s schedule is included in the prospectus.

You should not miss the opportunity to further increase your visibility to the scientific community by participating in the Exhibitor Technical Sessions, which will be held in a meeting room close to the Central Hall on Wednesday. These presentations should be aimed at providing basic technical information on the usage and/or performance of a product or service. Each talk will be allocated 18 min including presentation and discussion. These talks will be scheduled in line with the other scientific technical sessions and will be fully integrated with the main conference program, encouraging greater attendee awareness and participation. Presentation time slot and title must be submitted on the conference website before 1 October 2019. The number of talks will be limited, so submit your request early to avoid being left out!

During the exhibition a Technology Transfer Programme will also be organized, giving the opportunity to the scientific community participating in the conference and to you to discuss how best industry can profit from the technological developments carried out in academia.

On behalf of the 2019 NSS MIC Organizing Committee and its General Chair, Paul Marsden, we invite you to take part in this unique opportunity to present your products and to network with our world-class scientific and technical communities. Your active participation is crucial for the success of this meeting, and we thank you for your continued support through your attendance.

We look forward to seeing you in Manchester.

Ron Keyser, Conference Treasurer

Important dates in 2019:

January 15       On-line exhibitor registration opens
June 1              Last day to reserve a double booth
July                  Exhibitor Manual distributed
October 1        Last day to submit a technical presentation request
October 28      Exhibitor setup begins in MCCC

The registration for the 2019 IEEE NSS MIC Industrial Exhibition will open at 15:00  (CET) / 09:00 (EST) on 15 January 2019. The registration is entirely online with interactive booth selection.

To register your booth, please follow this link 

