RTSD Program & Topics

The 27th International Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detectors (RTSD) represents the largest forum of scientists and engineers developing new solid-state radiation detectors and imaging arrays. Room-temperature semiconductor radiation detectors continue to find increasing applications in such diverse fields as medicine, homeland security, astrophysics and environmental remediation. The objective of this symposium is to provide a forum for discussion of the state-of-the-art of the detector technology, including materials improvement, material and device characterizations, fabrication, electronics and applications. To provide a comprehensive review, oral and poster presentations representing a broad spectrum of research and development activities emphasizing room-temperature-operating semiconductor detectors or imaging devices are sought. Authors are encouraged to submit abstracts on original work in the following RTSD-related areas:

  • X-ray and gamma ray spectroscopic detectors and systems
  • Crystal growth and material characterization for radiation detectors
  • Pixel and strip detectors
  • Electrical contacts and device fabrication technology
  • Radiation damage, Long-term stability and Environmental effects
  • Organic and perovskite materials for radiation detection
  • Semiconductor neutron detectors
  • Imaging systems and applications
  • Spectrometer systems for homeland security, nuclear inspections, safeguards, portal monitoring, and other uses

RTSD Co-Chairs

Michael Fiederle
University of Freiburg, Freiburger Materialforschungszentrum, Freiburg, Germany

Ralph James
Savannah River National Laboratory, Aiken, SC  USA
