Welcome to the 2020 NSS-MIC!

NP-1 | NSS Plenary
NP-2 | NSS Plenary
NP-3 | NSS Plenary – Awards
N-37 | NSS Plenary Closing Session
MP-1 | MIC Plenary
MP-2 | MIC Plenary
M-20 | MIC – Closing Session





The first virtual 2020 IEEE NSS MIC is over and we left a busy week behind us. After all the sudden preparations we had to make to change from a “regular” to a virtual conference, we hope you are satisfied with the organization as much as we are. We achieved our goal of having up to six parallel live events, with an additional thirty exhibitors live at the same time. To our knowledge, no IEEE conference has ever done anything like this. The number of participants also shows how successful we have been: we had up to six hundred live participants connected at the same time, out of almost 1400 registered participants, with numbers consistently averaging in the 400-500 people connected during most days. The whole world was able to watch the live stream of the plenary sessions and closing sessions on our website and we will continue to make them available free on our website. As promised, we have given all participants the opportunity to follow up on the recorded presentations by providing session and individual videos of authors who gave permission. This was a major highlight from our point of view because it removed for all attendees the (until now) inevitable conflict between which parallel talk to pick and which one to miss. The concept that the exhibitors had the possibility to show their products in a live booth in addition to the conference system was very well received. Poster sessions, remained a familiar experience, with some posters becoming a “hotspot” and attracting many visitors. The big addition was that the poster presenters had also provided a short video of their poster, which many participants appreciated. We had many views also outside of the poster session hours. In general, the impression was that recording the presentation beforehand had a very good impact on allowing versatility and provided a better learning experience. Of course, this is no substitute for speaking in front of an audience, but, given the circumstances it was the right step in the right direction. The Short Courses were attended well above average. The chairs had great fun with a very interesting program for scientific work and analysis; more than five hundred participants took part in the event. Again, the advantage was that the material was available afterwards as an online video and download, and that attendees could book parallel courses and participate in all of them at the same time.

Overall, we think the concept was very well received. We, as organizers, are delighted by this and we see it as a fantastic reward for all the hard preparations in the short time we had. We hope that the concept in general will help other organizers in future as well.

We give hearty thanks to EventClass and smartEvents for the excellent interaction with the Hopin Platform and the customer service they provided.

Much of the conference content will be available in the online program until the end of November. Take the opportunity to hear any presentations you missed or review those you saw. You can also visit the company exhibits to review their products.

The entire committee which has contributed to this extraordinary achievement would like to thank you for your participation and support. Also thanks for all the feedback we have received so far! Please stay healthy and we hope to see everyone again at the 2021 IEEE NSS MIC Conference!

With best regards

Lorenzo Fabris

and the

2020 NSS MIC Committee
